Skype for mac 10.8 5
Skype for mac 10.8 5

Thanksfully there is a quick and simple fix by just substituting a file called ugin.īelow are instructions on how to fix I followed from Skype's Community Website: After browsing a bit figured out the web camera not detected Skype error is experienced by hundreds of MacBook air users online. I checked whether some updates are available but there were none. I checked the version release of Mac OS X and it showed Mac OS X 10.8.5. I saw some threads suggesting sometimes built in webcam is not working due to some other application which uses the camera (Safari instrance using flash to open webcam, FacePalm or whatever) … In FaceTime video was showing fine so obviously on OS level webcamera was detected. DMG double click it and install) and logged in to the PC to check what's happening. Well no matter how the issue happened … I instructed her how to install TeamViewer (for Mac OS X – just download the. She is completely new to Mac OS X so she didn't have idea if something automatically updated on the notebook, probably some update poped up and she proceeded to update. So it was a big surprise for me today her brand new shiny MacBookAir camera stopped working. We speak quite regularly in Skype since right now she is in Belarus and I'm in Bulgaria. My dear fiance girlfriend Svetlana, has a MacBookAir from 2013 since a month time.

Skype for mac 10.8 5